How Could Ellie Have Handled the Review Process Differently?

6 steps to enhance your employee review process

Reading time: almost 8 min

Posted past: Lucid Content Team

Whether you're a manager or i of your organization's sterling 60 minutes representatives, yous're probably more anxious most the annual employee performance review process than your employees are. In fact, managers spend 210 hours a yr on performance review process best practices.

What many managers sometimes fail to realize is that the employee review process doesn't have to be the stereotypical typified, stale, and potentially bad-mannered (or difficult) conversation that it has typically been. We've created an actionable listing of the best practices and then that both you lot and your straight reports tin can maximize the time spent on reviews and better manage and motivate your talent.

Benefits of employee reviews

Employee reviews are more than than but a once-a-year meeting to become over an private's performance. There are advantages to these annual reviews that will touch on your team members long after the meeting is over:

  • Improved communication
  • Employee engagement
  • Professional development
  • Skills growth

Steps in the employee review process

1. Make up one's mind which type of functioning review process your visitor should use

Direction should create a rubber infinite for direct reports to have conversations with managers—as opposed to an potency-driven infinite where a manager just tells each employee where they're failing and why. Businesses should get into the habit of coaching their direct reports instead of disciplining them, and they might also want to call back almost implementing a direction feedback system to balance the scales and meliorate facilitate feedback between employees and managers.

Let's look at the different review processes you lot can do to achieve this.

Types of employee review processes


This approach is typically what you would envision for a standard employee functioning review. A top-downwardly review involves a supervisor formally meeting with the supervisee to hash out mistakes and insights and provide constructive feedback.

The goal is to open up communication between employees and supervisors to review past functioning and plan for future professional development. Simply a major critique of the meridian-downwardly arroyo is that it can cause employees anxiety and hinder open up advice because it is centered around an unbalanced human relationship between managers and employees.


Just equally the name suggests, self-evaluations involve employees reviewing their performance both with qualitative and quantitative measurements. This approach grants employees more than ownership in the process, giving them the opportunity to reflect on their work and providing managers with valuable insights from the employee's perspective.

However, self-assessments often lack objectivity and skew the employee perspective, which can easily lead to disharmonize and employee resentment.


Likewise known every bit the multi-rater feedback or multi-source feedback, the 360-degree approach aims to provide a comprehensive employee assessment. It incorporates feedback from numerous parties, including peers, direct reports, non-direct supervisors, and fifty-fifty the employees themselves. While the 360-degree feedback process offers more robust and constructive feedback, it can also overwhelm employees and require more time to process all of the information.


A performance rating evaluation uses a scale or grading system ordinarily customized for your organisation to measure employee's functioning. A primal benefit of a performance evaluation rating scale is that information technology provides quantifiable information and can easily show trends over time. Even so, most rating systems often lack dash and tend to skew nicerather thanaccurate.

Mix and lucifer

Combine whatever of the review processes listed above to find the all-time employee operation review system for your organisation.

2. Map out your employee review procedure

Once you lot've adamant the performance review process for your organization, the next step is to map the entire process to get everyone on the same page.

The complexity of your process will depend largely on the method you lot chose above. A rating system is much more than straightforward than using the 360-degree feedback, which requires you to bring together multiple parties.

Typically building out the procedure starts with HR determining the timeline and steps needed to execute a successful employee functioning evaluation. Be sure to consider the following when you start mapping out your ain employee review process:

  • Grooming: Determine whether employees need to be trained on the process, especially if it is new to the organization.

  • Fourth dimension: Consider how long will employees and managers demand to complete the assessment.

  • Feedback and action: Include when employees will receive feedback and the timeline for any activity that needs to exist taken as a result of the evaluation (e.g., promotions, pay increases).

  • Participants: Decide how many individuals are involved. Is it but the director and employee or does the procedure include multiple evaluators similar in the 360-degree feedback method?

employee performance review
Functioning review process case (Click on image to change online)

three. Ask employees to consummate cocky-evaluations and managers to evaluate each employee

Most employees don't like performance reviews because they seem completely out of their control. To brand them feel more involved in the process and the event, have employees complete a self-assessment. This assessment gives employees the opportunity to share their perspectives on their own feel and growth. Encouraging self-reflection even motivates employees to focus on their careers and achieve professional goals.

More than chiefly, self-evaluations grant managers insight into their employees' experiences that they might be unaware of. For instance, supervisors may learn if an employee is struggling with a detail task or even if they led a successful project. Now managers can complete a comprehensive assessment that provides accurate and actionable feedback for employees.

iv. Hold a performance calibration meeting

A persistent challenge of the performance review procedure is ensuring that employees are reviewed accurately and fairly confronting the same standards. This is where a performance scale comes in. Performance calibration meetings join managers to determine and agree upon the criteria for high, average, and low performers and evaluate employees appropriately.

See all of the steps involved to get
started with performance calibration.

Learn more

5. Evangelize the employee review and actualize goals and impediments

Delivering the review is the about important part of the entire employee performance review process. It establishes employees' goals, attitude, and motivation for the next year. Make certain employees are prepared for the meeting. Don't keep them in the nighttime so that issues snowball and the conversation becomes bad-mannered and painful. Instead prepare a template that managers and employees can fill out earlier the meeting and then that they go into the review with very articulate expectations.

Get-go the review by recognizing the employee's accomplishments and efforts from the by year. Nearly 70% of employees report they would work harder if they felt that their efforts were recognized. More than that, if employees are doing something that is beneficial to the organization and their career, they should know to keep doing that.

From there, transition into effective feedback on how employees can ameliorate. 92% of employees agree that if constructive feedback were delivered to them appropriately, it would help motivate them to better their performance. Omnibus employees and utilize the review to set clear attainable SMART goals to help employees become successful.

6. Maintain communication after the evaluation is completed

Communication doesn't stop one time the formal review is finished—instead, managers should regularly meet i on one with employees to continue giving feedback and check progress. During the review process, successful managers should evaluate their electric current communication style and methods. It may surprise yous to hear that 76% of all employees want feedback at least monthly. With that fact in mind, make it the do of property weekly or bi-monthly one-on-ones with each of your straight reports.

By having regular contact and communication, y'all can ensure that expectations are being met and that you are maintaining a regular review procedure consequent with your culture. Additionally, these check-ins will give you the chance to coach your employees forth the way instead of having potentially painful conversations at the end of each quarter.

In fact, some employers create weekly templates for their one-on-ones where employees hash out what'due south working well, what's not, and what their short and long-term goals are. Each of these methods volition aid ensure performance review procedure best practices. Holding these regular, informal meetings will assist build the conversation so that when the fourth dimension comes for your formal review process, there will exist no surprises in regards to employee appraisement.

It's no wonder that the bulk of all international organizations are reinventing their current employee review processes. But more inspiring is the fact that it actually works: 96% of employees beyond multiple dozens of organizations report that receiving specific, continuous performance feedback is helpful. Revamp your employee operation review process today so your system can continue to introduce for the futurity.

Use our template to get started today with mapping out your organization'due south employee performance evaluation process.

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